Video Production, Editing, and Motion Graphics Reel

Gabriel Roland is video producer/editor and motion graphic artist with extensive experience in specialized in-game content curation and video capture for marketing, social media, and publicity purposes. Producer of live music events, live visuals for concerts, and music video content.

Selected Reel of Visuals for Music

Reel of selected performance and demo clips of visuals produced and/or generated for live music

“Nadir” – Everything Goes Cold

Directed by Gabriel Roland. Band footage filmed filmed on Canon 550D. Some footage created in Unreal Engine 5. Contains some stock footage. Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro. Compositing and VFX in Adobe After Effects.

“Moebius Strip Tease” – Doctor Popular

Storyboarded and directed by Blake Morse. Shot, edited, and SFX by Gabriel Roland. Original pixel art/animation by Michael Szymanski. Starring Doc Pop, Nick Mueller, & Alexsandra Chelini. 8bit glitch backgrounds generated with glitchNES by NO CARRIER. Filmed on Canon 550D and GoPro Hero3+ Black, edited in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects. Shot at The Secret Alley, San Francisco, CA and […]

“Lost” – Crashfaster

Shot and edited by Gabriel Roland. Filmed on Canon 550D, edited in Adobe Premiere Pro. Shot at H.I.T. Wall Studios in South San Francisco, CA.

“Fool Who Left” – Robin Yukiko

Directed, shot, and edited by Gabriel Roland (music/actor credits on video page at Vimeo). Filmed on Canon 550D, edited in Adobe Premiere Pro. Location shoots in San Francisco, CA and Marin County, CA.

“Grayscale” – Keiko Takamura and the Shebangs

Directed, shot, and edited by Gabriel Roland (music/actor credits on video page at Vimeo). Filmed on Canon 550D, edited in Adobe Premiere Pro. Location/studio shoots in San Francisco, CA and San Jose, CA.